Much bitterness begins in homes where parents are involved in the ministry. All too often
"preacher's kids" are treated wrongly because of the special stresses the work of the Gospel can place on parents. Parents should observe the following special rules:

- Live a life of true discipleship in front of your kids. Practice what you preach. Walk before God as truly honest people. Never lie, by life or mouth (2 Thessalonians 1:10-12; James 3:13).
- Pray WITH FAITH for your kids. Do not complain to God about them. Do your best before Him leave them in God's hands, and ask that He shall be glorified in their lives.
- Where you are wrong, APOLOGIZE. Proud, arrogant and unbroken teenagers copy their proud, unbroken parents. Have your kids see you break before them, and humble yourselves before them when you have been in the wrong? YOU do it FIRST(James 4:10).
- NEVER tell them to behave BECAUSE they are "P.K.'s." If you are concerned about your reputation, it is high time you became like Jesus and lost it (Philippians 2:5-7). No kid can stand living under the cloud of having to be "special." Base your family laws on what is RIGHT, not on reputation. Never use that comparison in your home (Colossians 3:21-25).
- Spend TIME with your kids! Your home is your greatest mission-field, your most important congregation. If you have not learned God's lessons of love and discipline in your own home with your own children, you are disqualified for ministry (1 Timothy 3:4-5, 12).
- Balance your time on the field with your time at home. Do not forsake the needs of your family for the needs of your world. God has placed you closer to your home; your first responsibility of ministry is there. Who will reach them if you do not? (1 Timothy 5:8).
- If Dad is travelling for long periods, Mother should be careful to use the time alone with the children wisely, in uplifting his ministry before the children and in prayer to God with them. Bitterness to a travelling preacher is usually picked up from the one at home. If GOD has called a person away for a time, GOD will give enough time with their family. The one that stays home must be loyal to the one travelling and guard their attitudes.
- Don't force your children into personal sacrifices you think you could make. Provide for them so they will not be in want BECAUSE of the ministry. This is non-Christian. It has turned thousands of young people away from God's work (2 Corinthians 12:14; Luke 15:12).