We have more books on sex than ever before; more information on "making love;" more data on being a sexy "swinger;" but we have left out God and are paying the price for it! Sex is a special part of life, and precious; it was not designed to be treated as part of every meal-time conversation. Precious things are not to be used too often, but treasured for special times; you must learn to direct the power of sex and preserve it in purity, or you will join the ranks of the lonely and bitter.
Sex is like fire. A fire is amoral; the same flame that warms a home can burn it down. There is no difference between the fire that comforts and the fire that kills; each burns the same way. But in one case it burns in its proper place and time, and in the second, it burns out of limits and out of control. The same built-in joys God gave sex (in the right way) can become raging fires of destruction.
"The flames are fed from Hell itself to destroy, Young People, Bible students, Pastors, anybody is at risk...a fire that is burning in the hearts and minds across the world by unclean stories, smutty books, and pornographic photographs shamelessly disguised as ART. It smoulders from restricted age movie films and suggestive dancing, it flares in the lives of young people parked in the seat of a car away from the eyes of the law and public in lonely, secluded back roads."

Sex goes wrong for the same reasons that a fire destroys. It can be lit too soon (getting emotionally involved before God's time) and in the wrong place (some form of pre-marital sex). To avoid the first, follow these dating rules of the thumb:
- Avoid the "steady" relationship until God's time. The biggest problem with this form of dating is that after you spend a lot of time with the other person you can get too familiar with each other, and like each other to much to think about the facts. This invariably leads to you letting down your guard, lowering your moral codes, ignoring the warning of your conscience and inviting trouble.
- Keep busy and active. David fell through laziness.If he had been out on the field with his men doing the job God had called him to do, he would't have been sleeping around his palace and having too much time on his hands. Fill up your life with activities that you can enjoy under God and you will save a lot of pressure.
- Stay away from "bad scenes." A "bad scene" can be defined as any place that brings two kids who like each other close to nature and away from the eyes of civilization. Watch out for unchaperoned beach, hunt, ski or fishing parties; any place that can still the voice of reason and God is a trouble spot - stay away! A particularly bad scene is a car; it can very well act as transportation away from safeguarding publicity, mood music and bed on wheels all combined. Stay away from parked cars on dates like they were filled with tarantulas and scorpions!
- Don't get serious with ANYONE until you are ready for marriage physically, emotionally and mentally, and above all, spiritually. Girls: If you value your love, don't don't give it unreservedly to any guy until you are both quite sure you are God's choice for each other. Guys: Don't you dare lead a girl onto think you love her when you are only "putting her on" for your pleasure. Girls get hurt very easily, and very deeply. No guy has a right to say to any girl "I love you" until he is prepared to say in his next breath - "Will you marry me?" If you can't make the second statement, don't bother making the first. It isn't true.
- Don't get physically involved with anyone until your wedding date is set. If you can not be satisfied with spiritual communion and conversation, with just that desire to be with each other and to keep your life holy and pure, you are NOT IN LOVE! Lust can only wait five minutes; love can wait for five years. Now you may think you are in love; you may even call it spiritual: but IS IT? Take this little test to search out your own level of commitment in GOD'S kind of love:
[ ] YES (I am in love)
[ ] NO (I am not)