Monday, February 11, 2013



INTRODUCTION: Faith is an important and vital subject in a Christian’s life. A Christian’s relationship with God is not based on blind, unfounded theories. Instead, it is based on sound, historical facts.

I.      The doctrine of faith

A.   There are four kinds of faith with which we need to become acquainted.

B.   Each introduces an important aspect of the Christian’s spiritual life.

C.   The proper understanding of the way the word “faith” is used in the Bible will clear up
        many passages of Scripture and prevent misunderstandings.

II.    Historical faith

A. Historical faith simply means that we believe someone or something exists; it is a head
        belief or mental persuasion.

1.     In the natural realm of life, men believe certain places exist even though they have

never seen them for themselves; this is historical faith.

2.     In the spiritual realm, men believe God exists and Jesus Christ is His only begotten

Son; this is historical faith.

B.   Historical faith is illustrated in the Scriptures. The demons have this kind of faith, James


C.   Historical faith will not save lost sinners.

1.     No one can be saved by just believing there is a God or a Jesus Christ.

2.     However, it is essential to trusting faith, Romans 10:14.

III.    Trusting faith

A.   Trusting faith is the heart-belief of a person which causes him to trust in Jesus Christ

for salvation; it is faith from the innermost being of a person.

1.     In the natural realm, we trust people and things daily.

2.     In the spiritual realm, we trust (rely, depend on) Jesus Christ to save our souls.

B.   Trusting faith is illustrated in the Scriptures.

1.     Paul told the Philippian jailor to believe or trust on the Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 16:30-


a. Repentance always precedes salvation.

b. Paul did not tell the jailor to repent because he already manifested the fruit of

repentance, Acts 16:29.

2.     Paul taught that the sinner must believe or trust Christ from the heart in order to be

saved, Romans 10:9,10.

C.   The sinner is saved at the very moment he exercises trusting faith in Christ, Ephesians


D.   To reiterate, trusting faith involves two important factors.

1.     Repentance, Acts 17:30; Luke 13:5; Acts 20:21.

2.     Receiving Christ as Saviour, John 1:12.

E.   Trusting faith is taking God at His Word, believing He cannot lie.

IV.  Working faith

A.   In order to produce for God, we must have working faith, John 15:8.

B.   Working faith causes us to obey God’s Word.

C.   We can measure our love for God according to our obedience to His commandments,
        John 14:15.

D.   Working faith is motivated by love, Galatians 5:6.

E.   Working faith is illustrated in the Scriptures.

1.     Old Testament saints had faith in God; therefore, they obeyed Him and worked for

Him, Hebrews 11:17-19, 24-26.

2.     The Jerusalem Church had faith in Christ’s promises, Acts 1:4,5,8. (Therefore, they

waited at Jerusalem for that power.)

V.      The system of faith

A.   In many cases in the New Testament the word “faith” refers to the system of doctrines

and beliefs that are taught in the Scriptures.

1.     “The faith” always refers to the doctrines that are practiced by New Testament


2.     It is important that we have the right kind of beliefs, Jude 3.

B.   This system of faith is illustrated in the Scriptures.

1.     Paul spoke to Felix concerning THE FAITH, Acts 24:24.

2.     Paul preached THE FAITH he had once destroyed, Galatians 1:23.

3.     Paul had kept THE FAITH, II Timothy 4:7.

4.     Men will depart from THE FAITH in the last days, I Timothy 4:1.

C.   There is only one system of faith to be practiced by true churches, Ephesians 4:5.

D.   This series of discipleship lessons teaches these doctrines (THE FAITH).