Monday, February 18, 2013

God's Guidance


INTRODUCTION: One of the benefits of salvation is the opportunity of divine direction in our lives. We no longer have to be the victims of blind chance or dependent upon our own limited resources in directing our lives.

I.       The Scriptures put forth a beautiful picture of God’s will for the life of every child of God.

A.   The will of God for our lives as revealed in Romans 12:2 has three basic elements.

1.     It is a good plan. God desires only the best for us.

2.     It is a plan that will be pleasing to us in all its aspects. What a tremendous promise

of fulfillment in life this gives us!

3.     It is a perfect plan. God’s plan produces the maximum achievement and fulfill-

ment in our lives.

B.   We have the promise of a wonderful future as God’s children both now and eternally.

II.    There are promises regarding God’s will for our lives.

A.   God has promised that He will give us definite direction and guidance.

B.   We need never to be content with only vague generalities when seeking to determine
        God’s will in a certain matter, Psalms 25:9,10.

1.     God has promised to give us wisdom to discover His will.

2.     Although there are certain conditions that must be present in order to discern God’s

will, we can be sure He will show it to us when we are faithful in seeking it, Colossians 1:9; James 1:5.

C.   Whenever it comes time to do God’s will in a particular matter, God will have been
        working in our hearts to help us accomplish it, Philippians 2:13.

D.   God has promised to warn us when we depart from His will.

1.     This warning device is the peace of Christ in our hearts. When we lose our peace,

we need to stop and discern if we are missing God’s will, Colossians 3:15.

2.     The word “rule” comes from a Greek word referring to the decision of a judge in an

athletic event. It is the final factor of knowing when we are in or out of God’s will.

III. There are steps to take in finding God’s will.

A.   There are a number of steps a child of God can take to discover God’s guidance in a
        particular problem or need.

B.   The Bible reveals five major steps in discerning God’s guidance for our lives.

1.     Present your body to the Lord as a living sacrifice, Romans 12:1. Warning: a

carnal condition in our lives will hinder God in making known His will. Review the conditions of being filled with the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-25.

2.     Study God’s Word. Much of God’s will concerning actions and attitudes has al-

ready been revealed in the Bible. Gaining knowledge of the basic truths of God’s Word is crucial because God will never lead us contrary to His Word, II Timothy 2:15; Joshua 1:8; Psalms 119:105.

3.     Be obedient to what is shown you. It is important that you become obedient to all

of God’s will as you understand it. This is necessary for two reasons:

a.  First, our obedience is a test of our desire to understand and follow all of God’s

b.  Secondly, God rarely shows the end from the beginning. God only reveals as

much to us as we can respond to effectively. Review I John 3:22.

4.     Counsel with mature Christians. In seeking to find God’s will in certain matters, it

is wise to consult with mature Christians who know us. Their counsel can be helpful because of their knowledge of the Word and their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s direction. (Although we must not look to them to make our decisions for us, their advice can be profitable, Proverbs 11:14.)

5.     Be consistent in prayer. It is through prayer that we gain a sense of intimate communion with God and are most alert to His guidance.

a.  Prayer is the means of taking the burdens from our shoulders and placing them
      in the Lord’s hands. As we pray, much will be revealed to us, Philippians 4:6,7.

b.  We must be patient and allow God to reveal His will according to His timing,
      Matthew 7:7,8.

C.   If we study these steps carefully, we will increasingly discover the will of God in our
        lives. We need to step out in faith and follow the will of God in order to see doors that
        bring happiness and true fulfillment, open to us.