Monday, February 11, 2013

Eternal Security


INTRODUCTION: By security we mean that once a person is saved, he will always be saved from hell and cannot fall from that position.

I.       In security of salvation only facts in the Word of God are to be considered, not our feelings.

A.   To understand any Bible doctrine, we must accept the Word of God as the authority, not

relying on our feelings, which often are controlled by circumstance.

1.     In spiritual matters man’s reasoning without the Word of God will not give correct

answers, Proverbs 14:12.

2.     We must not pit the Scriptures against one another but realize all Scriptures are in

harmony with each other, II Peter 1:20.

B.   What God has promised He will do, Isaiah 14:24.

C.   To have a clear understanding of the eternal nature of the new birth, we must realize
        what actually occurs in salvation and what is offered by God to those who receive
        Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

II.    Salvation is a birth

A.   The spirit is born again, not the flesh, John 3:6-7; I John 3:9; I Peter 1:23.

B.   Once one is born into a family, it is impossible to change biological parents.

C.   Fellowship can be broken, but we cannot become unborn.

III.    Salvation is totally of God.

A.   If we could lose our salvation by failing to work to keep it, then by the same rules of

logic we could gain salvation by working for it.

1.     If this were true, salvation would not be by grace but by works, Ephesians 2:8,9;

Titus 3:5.

2.     Grace is the unmerited favor of God.

3.     Christ is the One who did all the work for our salvation.

B.   If it were possible to lose our salvation, we could not regain it, Hebrews 6:4-6.

IV.    Salvation is a gift.

A.   God gives it to us freely, Romans 6:23; Romans 5:15.

B.   If we have to give anything in exchange for a gift, it ceases to be a gift.

V.      Salvation is eternal life.

A.   Eternal means never ending, John 3:16.

B.   Eternal life has no time barriers.

1.     Notice the words, “everlasting punishment” and “life eternal,” Matthew 25:46.

2.     If there is no life eternal, then there is no everlasting punishment.

3.     The moment a person is saved, he receives eternal, unending life, John 5:24.

VI.   Our salvation is sealed by God, Ephesians 4:30.

A.   Man cannot break God’s seal.

B.   The born again spirit is totally secure in the Son and in the Father, Colossians 3:3.

VIII. Our salvation is kept by God, II Timothy 1:12.

A.   Paul declares that our salvation is totally secure in God.

B.   The Scriptures make it very clear that our salvation is in the hands of God, John 10:27-


VIII. The doctrine of security can be stated very simply.

A.   In the flesh we sin daily, I John 1-8.

B.   In our born again spirit, it is impossible to sin, I John 3:9.