Thursday, February 14, 2013

The New Testament Church founded by Christ


INTRODUCTION: The New Testament Church was part of God’s eternal purpose and plan from
eternity; it was not an afterthought with God. The New Testament Church is a divine institution
that had its beginning about nineteen hundred years ago. The church is unique in design, purpose and destiny.

I.     The word “church” in Greek is ekklesia, which means a called-out assembly.

A.   It would have been more accurate and would have eliminated confusion if the word
        “ekklesia” had been translated assembly rather than church.

B.   The very nature of the word “ekklesia” renders it impossible to pertain to anything
        invisible or universal.

C.   Despite this fact, the universal church theory has gained great popularity. (They teach
        that when one is saved, he is born into the church which is a universal, invisible body.)

D.   This is not taught anywhere in the Scriptures. The Scriptures do teach that when one is
saved, he is born into the family of God, not into the church or body of Christ, Romans

1.     The family of God is six thousand years old. The saved in all ages are in the family

of God.

2.     The New Testament Church was started by Jesus, Himself, when He was thirty

years old.

II.     The origin of the church is clearly revealed in the Scriptures.

A.    During Christ’s personal ministry He formed His church, Matthew 16:18.

1.     In error, some have said that Jesus had reference to Peter when He said, “upon this

rock I will build my church.”

2.     In Greek the word Peter is “Petros” which means a small rock or stone, but Jesus

said upon this “Petra” a massive rock, (referring to Himself) He would build His

church on Himself as the massive foundation rock.

3.     Paul also declared that Jesus was the only foundation, I Corinthians 3:11.

B.    Jesus began calling out His disciples, John 1:35-43.

1.     Notice the disciples’ willingness and eagerness to follow Him, Matthew 4:20-22.

2.     The disciples were His called-out assembly (His church).

C.    He called them out from among the saved and baptized ones whom John had prepared,

Luke 1:17.

D.    Jesus gave His church the authority to baptize, John 3:22; 4:1,2.

1.     This was done before John was cast into prison, John 3:24.

2.     Notice that after John was cast into prison, Jesus declared the time was now ful-

filled, Mark 1:14,15.

3.     Jesus immediately began to preach the gospel of the kingdom, saying it was at

hand, Matthew 4:12,17.

a.  In Greek the word “gospel” means “good news.”

b.  It is the good news of salvation through Christ and the good news of the king-
      dom of God.

III.   Jesus launched His church kingdom as He continued calling out His disciples on the shores

of Galilee, Matthew 4:18-22.

A.   Jesus said His kingdom started in the days of John the Baptist, Matthew 11:12.

B.   Jesus reigns as Lord and King over His church because they keep His commandments
        and do His will.

C.   During the millennial kingdom Jesus and His church shall reign over all that make up
        that kingdom, II Timothy 2:12; Revelation 2:26.

IV.   The least in the kingdom has a greater position than John, Matthew 11:11.

A.   John the Baptist was saved but not in the church kingdom.

B.   John was the last of the Old Testament prophets, and he came under the old covenant.

C.   We are under a better covenant, established upon better promises, Hebrews 8:6.

V.      Jesus revealed that His church was with Him.

A.   Jesus openly declared His church to be His kingdom when He told the Pharisees His

kingdom was within them, Luke 17:20,21.

1.     “Within” comes from a Greek word which means (in the midst of you).

2.     Notice in verse 22 that it is the called-out disciples (His church) who were in their


B.   Jesus said to His church that it was the Father’s pleasure to give them the kingdom,
        Luke 12:32.

VI.    The church kingdom has suffered violence from the days of John the Baptist.

A.    “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth vio-

lence…,” Matthew 11:12. (The form of the Greek verb used here indicates the kingdom

is being acted upon.)

1.     Through the antagonism of the enemy, the church kingdom suffers violence.

2.     It is through forceful endeavor that Satan’s forces seek to hinder and even to de-

stroy the church kingdom.

B.   Notice that this Scripture also says, “…the violent take it by force.” (The form of the
        Greek verb used here indicates it is the kingdom itself that is taking the action.)
        1. This has reference to those within the church kingdom not yielding to opposition,
        but earnestly taking hold of it so as to possess it as a precious prize.
        2. The New Testament Church, during the dark ages, illustrated her faithful persever-

VII.   All who are in the church kingdom are pressing into it, or they merely have their name on

the church roll.

A.    “The law and the prophets were until John; since that time the kingdom of God is

preached, and every man presseth into it,” Luke 16:16.

1.     Here the word presseth suggests the earnest forceful endeavor of the faithful ones

in the church kingdom. (They continue pressing on into the kingdom.)

2.     No matter what the cost, the prize is far greater, Philippians 3:14. (The prize is the

Bridegroom and bridal relationship with Him.) II Corinthians 4:17; Romans 8:18.

3.     In Jude 3, we are told, “…earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the

saints.” (In history many did not yield to opposition, nor compromise, but lost their lives “contending for the faith.”)

B.   There are many precious mysteries concerning the church kingdom. Jesus said His
        church alone would know these mysteries, Matthew 13:11; Ephesians 5:32.

VIII.   Jesus gave His church kingdom “the keys” which represent authority, Matthew 16:19.

A.   Authority means the right to exercise power.

1.     For example, in our judicial system the judge has the authority to determine a


2.     The judge is given the authority to act in this judicial capacity.

B.   Jesus left His church kingdom with the great commission and the power and authority
        to carry out His will. Jesus said that He would be with her always, Matthew 28:18-20.

C.   The church kingdom is an everlasting kingdom; she will never go out of existence,
        Hebrews 12:27,28.

D.   God will receive glory in His church kingdom in this age, in the millennial kingdom age,

        and in the final kingdom age, Ephesians 3:21.