Monday, February 18, 2013

Discipleship- God's way to network the Kingdom business


INTRODUCTION: It is generally believed that a person becomes a disciple of Christ the moment
he is saved. However, this is not true because some children of God never become real disciples of

I.     Discipleship: a special relationship.

A.   Salvation is one thing; discipleship is quite another.

B.   The new birth creates one relationship to Christ; discipleship establishes still another.

C.   A person cannot be a disciple of Christ without being saved, but he can be saved with-
out being a disciple.

1.     Discipleship is a vital relationship which born again believers need to establish

with Christ.

2.     Discipleship is a glorious relationship with Christ which many saved people have

never experienced.

D.   It is important that all children of God be introduced to this blessed relationship with
        Christ known as discipleship.

II.    The practical meaning of discipleship

A.   A state or condition in which a believer is continually learning the teachings of Jesus,
        II Timothy 2:15.

B.   A state or condition in which the believer is continually following Jesus, John 8:31,32.

C.   A state or condition in which the believer is continually working for Jesus in obedient
        service, John 15:8.

III.    The cost of discipleship

A.   It costs a denial of self, Matthew 16:24.

1.     A man cannot be self-centered and a disciple of Christ at the same time.

2.     Selfishness is an enemy of the spiritual life and true discipleship.

3.     A disciple must empty himself of selfishness and be full of the love of Christ and

committed to His will, Matthew 16:25.

B.   It costs some cross-bearing, Luke 14:27.

1.     Cross-bearing suggests crucifying the flesh and faithful obedience.

2.     Jesus bore His cross; He finished all the work that was set before Him, John 19:30.

3.     We must assume and fulfill all the duties assigned to us in order to be true dis-

ciples, I Corinthians 4:2.

C.   It can cost materially to follow Jesus, Luke 9:23-26.

IV.   Discipleship requires Love.

A.   It demands that we love Jesus more than anyone else, Luke 14:26. (The word “hate” is
        used in a relative sense.)

B.   Our love for relatives must seem to be hate in comparison to our love for Jesus. (He is to
be our first love.)

1.     We must love Him more than father and mother.

2.     We must love Him more than wife and children.

3.     We must love Him more than brothers and sisters.

4.     We must love Him more than our own lives.

V.      Discipleship demands sacrifice, Luke 14:33.

A.   If necessary, we must be willing to give up our material possessions to follow Jesus,
        Mark 10:21.

B.   We must be willing to give up our homeland, if necessary, in order to serve where
        Christ wants us, Matthew 19:29.

C.   We must be willing to give up our desires and ambitions to obey Christ’s will in our
        lives, Acts 9:6.

VI.    Discipleship pays

A.   It pays great dividends in this life, Mark 10:30.

1.     He has promised that we will receive a hundred-fold more blessings.

2.     He has promised to supply all our needs, Matthew 6:33.

3.     He promised that He would not withhold from us anything that is good, Psalms


4.     He promised to give us whatever we ask, I John 3:22.

B.   It will pay immeasurable dividends in eternity.

1.     The faithful disciple receives a victor’s crown, II Timothy 4:8.

2.     They rule and reign with Christ during the millennium, Revelation 5:10.

3.     They live forever in the New Jerusalem in the Bride of Christ, Revelation 22:3-5.