Monday, February 11, 2013



INTRODUCTION: Prayer is a vital part of the Christian’s spiritual life, and it is important to study this doctrine in order to help us pray more effectively.

I.     At the beginning of our prayer we must address God. We should address Him in a reverent
         manner. Notice the example given by Jesus in the model prayer. “Our Father, who art in
heaven…,” Matthew 6:9.

A.   We need the proper attitude when we come to God in prayer.

1.     We should manifest an attitude of praise to God for who He is, and for the awe-

some attributes of His nature. (His grace, mercy, kindness, patience, goodness,
        love, etc.) “Hallowed be they name…,” Matthew 6:9; Psalm 34:1.
We should have a desire for Christ’s return. Notice in the model prayer: “Thy king-
dom come…,” Matthew 6:10.

B.   We should manifest gratitude and thankfulness for all God has given, I Thessalonians

II.    The Scriptures teach that we should ask God for every need in life, no matter how small.
         “Give us this day our daily bread,” Matthew 6:11.

A.   We need to ask daily for the forgiveness of sins.

B.   Sin breaks fellowship with God. Ask His forgiveness immediately and fellowship is
        restored, I John 1:9.

III.    When we pray, we need to yield to God’s will in all things.

A.   Even when we have great desire for something, we should seek God’s will because He

knows what is best.

1.     We can depend upon God’s mercy and rely upon His judgment.

2.     Jesus, who is our example, was totally yielded to the will of God, Luke 22:42.

B.   There are hindrances that can result in unanswered prayer.

1.     Notice in the model prayer, “…forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors…”,

Matthew 6:12.

2.     Unforgiveness breaks fellowship with God and results in unanswered prayer,

Matthew 6:15; Psalms 66:18.

C.   We receive what we ask if it is according to God’s will, I John 5:14,15.

IV.    There are conditions that must be met in order to have great power in prayer, I John 3:22.

A.    “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much,” James 5:17,18.

B.   There is increased power in united prayer, Matthew 18:19. (This promise Jesus left to

His church.)

1.     Let it be observed that when husbands and wives kneel together in prayer, being

united in desire and purpose, God moves in a mighty way in answering their


2.     We must exercise faith in prayer, Mark 11:24.

V.   The Holy Spirit helps us to pray. Romans 8:26,27.

A.   When we have a pressing need, we should pray intensely, Hebrews 5:7.

1.     The prayer that prevails with God is the beseeching prayer into which we put our

entire soul, stretching out toward God in intense and agonizing desire.

2.     When we learn to come to God with intensity of desire that wrings the soul, then we

shall know the true power of prayer, Daniel 9:3.

B.   We can ask big things of God, even things that we deem impossible, Ephesians 3:20.

VI. We should set aside time to pray three times a day, Psalms 55:17.

A.   We should also be in continual communication with Him. “Pray without ceasing,”
        I Thessalonians 5:17.

B.   When at all possible, we should kneel when we pray, Luke 22:41; Acts 7:60; Acts 20:36.

VII.We should pray before we eat.

A.   It is not merely custom, it is taught in God’s Word, (I Timothy 4:4,5).

1.     We see from this Scripture that the food we eat is sanctified, not only by prayer but

also by the Word of God.

2.     We conclude from this that we are to pray and read or recite Scripture before we


B.   Jesus, our example, prayed before He ate, Luke 24:30.

VIII.   We should be persistent in prayer, Matthew 7:7.

A.   Notice the parable of the persistent friend, Luke 11:5-10.

B.   We are to strive together in prayer for one another, Romans 15:30; Galatians 6:2.

IX. We should close our prayers in Jesus’ name, John 16:23,24.

A.   Illustration: If I write a check to the bank and sign it, they will not cash it if I have no
deposit there. I am asking in my own name. If I have a check given to me that bears the
        signature of one who has a deposit in the bank, I will receive it in his name. Jesus made
a deposit in heaven so great that it will cover the sin debt of the world. In His deposit
        there is grace enough to supply all our needs, for He is rich in mercy!

B.   Jesus has made His name available to draw from His account of blessings. Let’s use it!