Thursday, February 14, 2013

The New estament Church as the Body of Christ


(As the Body of Christ)

INTRODUCTION: The New Testament Church is a local visible body of scripturally baptized believers with Christ as the Head.

I.      The New Testament Church was organized by Christ during His personal ministry,

Matthew 16:18.

A.   Subsequently, all New Testament Churches must have an unbroken lineage or chain,
        dating back to the church Jesus started when He walked on the earth.
1. Jesus promised His churches that they would never cease to exist because He would
be with them always, Matthew 28:20.

2.     He receives glory from her in all ages, Ephesians 3:21.

B.   Each church is a sovereign, individual governing body with Christ as the Head.

II.     When the term “the church” is used in the Scriptures, it is used in the generic sense.

A.   We use this general term when speaking of “the school,” “the legislature,” “the flag,”

“the husband,” “the church,” etc.

1.     This does not mean there is one universal, invisible school body made up of all the

children in the world.

2.     The same logic is true when we speak of “the legislature,” “the husband,” “the


B.   We simply use one to represent all.

III.    The New Testament Churches are called the body of Christ because they are the only physi-

cal representation of Christ in the world.

A.   They are the only body of people, who have descended from the days of Christ, who
        teach and practice the doctrines once delivered to them by Christ and the apostles.

B.   Speaking of the human body, it is the head that makes the decisions, and the body

simply carries them out; so it is with Christ and His body, the church, Ephesians 5:23,24.

C.   As the Head of the church, Christ has preeminence in all things; He is in charge,
        Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 1:22,23.

IV.   Paul, speaking to the church at Ephesus, affirms that the Lord’s church body is made up of
human beings, of living flesh and bones. It is not mystical, invisible, or intangible spirits,
         Ephesians 5:30.

A.   Paul told the church at Ephesus that they were not to remain children and be deceived
        by false doctrine, but they were to teach the truth and grow up into Christ, Ephesians

B.   Paul further states that the church is vitally united to Christ, and through Him each part
is able to effectively work in harmony, Ephesians 4:16.

V.      Paul told the church at Corinth that they were to be in unity, of the same mind.

A.   This admonition is for all His churches, I Corinthians 1:10.

B.   Can you imagine telling a universal, invisible body made up of all the saved that they

were to be of one mind? The universal church theory breaks down under the light of the glorious doctrines of Christ.

VI.      Paul, writing to the church at Colosse, said that they were called in one body,

Colossians 3:15.

A.   This was one church body with Christ as its Head.

B.   Paul warned the church at Colosse not to be deceived by false doctrine; this would not

exalt Christ as the Head, Colossians 2:18,19.

VII.  Paul uses the human body in its various parts to illustrate the functionings of the body of


A.   Speaking of the human body, it is one individual, visible body readily identifiable and
        in one place at one time, not in every place at the same time.

1.     This is why Christ uses the illustration of the human body to demonstrate the fact

that His body is local, visible and in one place at one time.

2.     Just as each human body is made up of feet, hands, eyes, etc., so every church is

made up of individual personalities comprising the body of Christ, I Corinthians 12:12-27.

a.  Notice that verse 25 says, there should be no schism (division or cliques) in the
      body but the members are to have the same care and concern for every mem-
      ber. When one member of the body suffers, all are to suffer with him; when one
member is blessed, all should rejoice, Galatians 6:2.

b.  In verse 27, speaking to the church of Corinth, Paul specifically stated, “Ye are
      the body of Christ.”

3.     Not all members of the body have the same function, Romans 12:4,5.

B.   Clearly for a body to function properly, each part must work together.