INTRODUCTION: We must not neglect to teach the doctrine of
stewardship to its fullness. The lack of
understanding of this teaching can cause us to become stunted and dwarfed in
our spiritual growth.
I. Every member of a New Testament Church is a
steward of God and is responsible and
accountable for his service to God.
A. Ministers and pastors are
stewards, Titus 1:7, I Corinthians 4:1. (As stewards of the
mysteries of God, they are to teach the whole council of God, I Corinthians 4:2.)
mysteries of God, they are to teach the whole council of God, I Corinthians 4:2.)
Deacons are stewards, Acts 6:3, I Timothy 3:8-10. (Deacons are to be
examples in faith-
fulness, spirituality, and good works.)
fulness, spirituality, and good works.)
C. Every member of a New
Testament Church is a steward, I Peter 4:10,11.
A. The most basic requirement of every member
in a New Testament Church is unwaver-
faithfulness to the house of God.
1. Keep
in mind that this is only part of our reasonable service to God, Romans 12:1.
2. Also
bear in mind that unfaithfulness is a willful sin, Hebrews 10:25,26.
B. There are additional requirements of
stewardship, I Peter 4:7-9.
1. Be sober minded.
2. Watch unto prayer.
3. Have fervent love for one another.
4. Use hospitality.
5. Use all that God has given us for His
C. A steward is responsible for his works and
is accountable to God.
1. Notice the parable of the talents, Matthew
2. We will all stand in judgment, II
Corinthians 5:10.
D. A steward must strive
lawfully in the Lord’s Church to receive the reward of brideship,
II Timothy 2:5; Philippians 3:14.
II Timothy 2:5; Philippians 3:14.
III. We are commanded to be good stewards of the
time that God has given us.
A. Before we were saved,
our time was wasted in sin, Ephesians 2:1-3.
B. We need to use our time
for Christ because we do not know how long we have left to
serve Him, James 4:13-15.
serve Him, James 4:13-15.
We need to use our time for Christ, for we shall give an account to Him
for how we lived
and served Him, Romans 14:10-12.
and served Him, Romans 14:10-12.
IV. The Bible speaks of a stewardship
of our bodies.
1. The
Holy Spirit lives in us, and we are to use our bodies to glorify God.
2. Therefore,
we are not to let our bodies be used for sinful things, I Corinthians
3. Since
our bodies belong to God, we should not take them places God would not
them go.
4. We
are also admonished to control our tongue in obedience to the Lord, James 1:26.
B. We should avoid any
habit that would harm, weaken or shorten the life of the body, for
the body is to be used for Christ, I
Corinthians 10:31.
C. Periodically we should
give the body an honorable rest and relaxation to preserve our
strength for Christ, Matthew 14:22,23.
strength for Christ, Matthew 14:22,23.
V. The Bible teaches a
stewardship of our means.
A. The Scriptures reveal to us the doctrines
concerning giving.
B. We
are commanded to give according to our income as the Lord has blessed us, I
16:2; Deuteronomy 16:17.
C. The Bible teaches proportionate giving, II
Corinthians 8:12-14.
1. The
only proportion spoken of in the Bible with reference to giving is the tithe
2. Tithing is taught by commandment and
D. God commanded Israel to tithe, Leviticus 27:30.
1. Under
Mosaic law a tenth of all produce, flocks and cattle are declared to be sac-
to Jehovah. It was given as tribute money or rent, acknowledging that the earth
to Him.
2. God
charged Israel for being disobedient, having robbed Him in tithes and offer-
Malachi 3:8,9.
3. We
should not be disobedient and rob God of our tithes and offerings, nor should
rob God of time, obedience and faithfulness.
E. Tithes were given before the law, Hebrews
7:2,6; Genesis 28:22.
1. We
see from this that tithes were not restricted to those under the law.
2. Tithes were given hundreds of years before
the law.
F. Jesus approved of the giving of tithes,
Matthew 23:23.
G. God
promised manifold blessings for giving according to His Word, Malachi 3:10,11;
Corinthians 9:6,7.
1. If we give bountifully, we will reap
2. If we give sparingly, we will reap
VI. In addition to our tithe, the Bible speaks of
the giving of alms. Luke 11:41.
A. The antiquity of
almsgiving is seen in the oldest book of the Bible, Job 29:12,13.
Moses imposed a command concerning the needs of the poor, Deuteronomy
15:11. (This
is an admonition, in principal, for all generations.)
is an admonition, in principal, for all generations.)
God honors almsgiving, Proverbs 19:17; Acts 10:4.
God blesses almsgiving, Isaiah 58:7-11; II Corinthians 9:9.
Paul was diligent in remembering the poor, Galatians 2:10.
F. If we give, we are
promised that it will be returned in good measure, Luke 6:38.
G. Jesus did not encourage
soliciting for alms (begging), nor are God’s people today to
encourage indolence (laziness) and consequent poverty, II Thessalonians 3:10.
encourage indolence (laziness) and consequent poverty, II Thessalonians 3:10.
H. The Bible does insist
upon ministering to those in distress, Luke 3:11.
I. Jesus warned against giving in order to be
seen of men, Matthew 6:1-4.
J. There is a solemn
declaration against those who have this world’s goods and ignore
the needs of others, James 2:15,16; I John
3:17,18. (All we have is due to God’s good ness.)