Winning Muslims To Christ!
Isa Ibn Maryam ( Arabic: عيسى, Transliteration: ʿĪsā ), known as Jesus in the New Testament, is considered to be a Messenger of God and the Masih (Messiah) in Islam[1] who was sent to guide the Children of Israel (banī isrā'īl) with a new scripture, the Injīl or Gospel.[2] The belief in Jesus (and all other messengers of God) is required in Islam. The Quran mentions Jesus by name twenty-five times, while it only mentions Muhammad by name four times as Muhammad and once as Ahmad; making it a total of five times.[3][4] It states that Jesus was born to Mary (Arabic: Maryam) as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occurred by the decree of God (Arabic: Allah). To aid in his ministry to the Jewish people, Jesus was given the ability to perform miracles (such as healing the blind, bringing dead people back to life, etc.), all by the permission of God rather than of his own power. According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means, instead, "God raised him unto Himself". (Wikipedia).
Witnessing for Christ to the Muslims are different from those employed among Pagans and those who have had a "Christian" background. Therefore, to teach you how to use your "tools of service" in your missions to Islam is the purpose of this work.
The road to the Muslim's heart may be rocky, uncertain, at times fearful, and being deemed by some all but impossible, yet, your labors are not in vain in Him, and His Word shall never return unto Him void. "All things are possible to him that believeth."
1. Know Your Subject
Thousands of Muslims in the Philippines are in daily contact with professing Christians. They meet them in business, in politics, in shops, in restaurants, in the market, on the streets, in the schools, on the various means of transportation, on the farms, in public gatherings, in societies, and in many other places even in the government. The Muslims are constantly watching the lives of the professing Christians, and their impressions of Christ and of Christianity come largely from those contacts. It is here that the problem of interpreting the Gospel to the Muslims centers.
Of the several Muslim tribes in the Philippines, few know anything about the truths of the Word of God. To them, The Christian Bible, as they call it, has been superceded by the last and the greatest of all of God's revelations to mankind, their Holy Quran. It alone is the law of God in force in the world today. If they are to ever know of the truths of God's Word, they must learn of them from their Christian friends and neighbors. Yet, how few Christians recognize any responsibility for the Muslims. How few give any thought to their spiritual needs or make an effort to remove their misunderstandings and help them to lay hold of the realities of the Saving Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The only effective way of preaching the gospel to the Muslims is by doing it through the means of personal evangelism where one man is the preacher and the one man is the congregation. Christ Himself was a personal worker. He gathered His disciples one by one. This was the fruitful method by which the first New Testament Church was increased. It has been the only effective means of winning Muslims to Christ.
The fact that there is a great number of Muslims in the Philippines today living in Christians communities emphasizes the need and urgency of developing individual work for these separated members of the tribes of Islam. The Great Commission of our Lord and Savior was designed so that all the world should have the Gospel preached unto it. No one was to be "ommitted in the breaking of the Bread".
The task of taking the Gospel to the Muslim is a difficult one. Some say it is the most difficult of all missionary labors. but no matter how difficult it may be, it is part of our great service for the Master, "letting the whole world know". More than that, this service is at our very doors and has in it all the elements of joy in serving the King. Behind it are the sure promises of God.
One's approach to any problem or situation is always of the most vital, primary importance. This is especially true in witnessing for Christ, and more especially when one would bring the Gospel to Islam.
Modern missionary experience (and all Born Again Believers are to be missionaries, Acts 1:8) has taught us the necessity of adapting our message to the thought, the environment, the traditions, and even the social life of those to be won. This is most essential in the cause of missions to Islam. Their background is so different from ours that to have some comprehension of it will give us a larger understanding and sympathy in our approach to this remarkable people.
A working knowledge of the history and background of the faith of Islam is a must. Before the Muslim will be willing to talk to you about "your" religion, you must be willing first to talk to him about "his" religion. Make absolutely no use of the many unanswerable questions about the origin of the faith of Islam. Muhammed's sickness of epilepsy, his many wives, his sinful life, etc... You should know about these things, but never make use of them in witnessing. You are not out to convince a Muslim that his faith is wrong. This is tantamount to proving a negative: to prove a negative is impossible. You are out to win him to Christ!!!
The average Christian knows very little of the history of the faith of Islam. Since the birth of its great prophet, this faith has had thirteen centuries of a very remarkable history. A knowledge of this history would give the Christian a deeper insight into the problem of winning the Muslim to Christ. He should know more of the past from which Islam is now emerging. There are many excellent books in print such as "THE MEANING OF THE GLORIOUS KORAN, by Mohammed Mardaduke Pickthaall; HOW TO LEAD MUSLIMS TO CHRIST, by Geo W. Harris; MOHAMMEDANISM, by H.A.R. Gibbs: and RELIGION IN A CHANGING WORLD, by Howard F. Vos. (pp. 61-68), to which one may refer to acquire this history. These books may be found in your school library, the library of a friend, or at the local bookstore. It would be well if several of these books dealing with Muslim history were owned by you personally.
A Muslim cannot be understood apart from his religion. No phase of his life, be it private or public, is beyond the scope of Islamic law. Therefore to have a proper appreciation of the need of the Muslim soul in the light of what he does and why he does it, one must see him in the setting of his religious philosophy.
To properly understand the religion of Islam, the Christian should read the QURAN. It would help the Christians in their approach to the Muslims today if they knew something about their beliefs, their dietary laws, and their religious ceremonies. Such a book as Dr. S.M. Zwemer's CROSS ABOVE THE CRESCENT, would be most helpful. A visit to a Muslim home, where in quietness the basic tenets of the faith could be explained, would greatly help a Christian to catch something of the atmosphere of Muslim worship, and how it differs from Christianity.
How a Filipino Muslim looks upon his faith may be seen from a summary of some of the views expressed by Hadji Abdul Rashid Tajala in his sermon "Why a Muslim Can Never Change His Religion."
Islam's reasons as to why Muslims in any part of the world can never be converted to any other religion are as follows: First, the fact that the QURAN asserts that Islam is the only true religion of God. It teaches that by leaving their religion they do a great injustice to their own souls, which amounts to committing suicide. (Quran 7:172).
According to the QURAN, Islam is the natural religion of mankind, and the only religion from the beginning of the human race to the end of it. This most important point is affirmed by the QURAN when it says: "So set thy face upright for religion in the right state, the nature made by God in which He had made men; there is no altering of God's creation; that is the right religion." (QURAN 3:30) "Surely, the true religion with God is Islam" (QURAN 3:18). "Is it then other than God's religion that they seek to follow?" (QURAN 3:83). "And whoever desires a religion other than Islam it shall not be accepted of him and in the hereafter, he shall be one of the losers." (QURAN 3:84). "So if they follow Islam then indeed they follow the Right Path." (QURAN 3:18). It is from such verses that the Muslim doctrine has been established, that Islam is the true and only religion of God. Second, that Islam was the religion of all the prophets, those named in the QURAN, and of those whose names are not mentioned therein. (QURAN 40:78) The Muslim believes that Islam was the religion of Abraham, Moses, and of Jesus Christ, and that all of the prophets of God from Adam to Muhammed were Muslims. None of the prophets preached a different message, they all preached the religion
of Islam. It is for this reason Muslims are required to believe in all of them, and in the fact that they came successively to enjoin people to worship God and to shun evil and the devil. QURAN 16:36).
The line of prophets began with Adam and ended with Muhammed. who is the seal and the perfection of them all. (QURAN 5:3).
"But thousands of such prophets came,
Of whom we know not the name.
Of some well known I mention make,
The Lord God bless us for their sake!
Job Jacob, Abraham,
Elias, David, Solomon,
Lot, Moses,Aaron, Ishmael,
Hod, Noah, Jesus, Daniel,
With Adam first and Muhammed last
Between these two all others passed."
(From the poem, "The first Teachings of Islam," by Sayyid Muhammed.)
Third, all of the true saints of God who have died in the past, died in Islam. Also, so long as time shall last, all of those who are yet to be named among the true saints of God, will likewise die in Islam. Fourth, it is always fresh in their minds that the truth of their religion is shown even in this life in the form of good news and other spiritual blessings from God to His most devouted servants. Thus Muslims do not consider it an exaggeration to say that it is only Islam which assures its faithful followers the divine gift of good tidings and spiritual blessings in the world. The granting of these divine blessings is to point out to the world regarding the truthfulness of the QURAN and the whole truth of Islam. Inasmuch as Islam is the embodiment of all truth, is would be foolish for a Muslim to forsake his religion for another. Fifth, Muslims are positive in their belief that the QURAN is the holy book of God, and so whatever it says shall surely come to pass. The QURAN calls people to Islam, the religion of all newly-born infants.
"The books of God a third guide form,To the Muslim in Islam there is only one HOLY QURAN which is a pure revelation from on High. This "sacred book" was revealed through the prophet Muhammed. It stands as a unique test, due to the fact that it has entertained no change, corruption or interpolation since it was revealed. It was not a prophet's making because no human being could bring one like it. It is indeed a miracle owing to its divine origin. Happy are they who accept it and woe to them who reject it.
And us of His commands inform,
God sent them through His prophets great,
Repealing older by the late;
The Quran now the law in force.
The other books have run their course.
The Quran teaches us to pray
Our Lord God five times every day.
To fast the days of Ramadan Lent,
To give alms o the indigent;
To visit Mecca once in life,
And to make for God every strife.
Find here the Muslim laws in brief.
May God guide all to this belief."
The Christ of Islam is vastly different from the Christ of Christianity. It knows nothing of His revelations or redemption, Islam is bitterly antagonistic to the Cross of Jesus Christ, and to the message of Christianity regarding it. Thirteen centuries of injustice and ill-will have created deep-seated prejudices, but in spite of these the Muslim will speak of and acknowledge the person of Jesus Christ. Islam declares that Jesus was a true prophet of God upon whom was bestowed the Gospels. But to no Muslim is He God, nor the Son of God. His virgin birth is acknowledged, but this was only possible through the direct will of God. To declare the Sonship and diety of Christ is to the Muslim an over-estimation and an impiety. Those who would approach them, therefore, must be on guard, lest by their unguarded zeal they bar and bolt the door to effective testimony.
Muslim Objections To Christianity
All Muslims object to Christianity for one reason or another and they seldom hesitate to state their objections. Those who approach the Muslims should be familiar with the leading objections and to be prepared discuss them intelligently. It should be remembered, however, that the real reasons why Muslims reject Christianity are moral and spiritual, not intellectual. When every issue has been fairly met, still other reasons will be found why Muslims should have nothing to do with Jesus. Indeed argument is a very ineffective means of winning the Muslim. Nevertheless Christians should know the main objections and find a way to utilize them counting not at all upon the ministry of the Holy Spirit of God, who alone can break down the barriers of the stubborn will and open the eyes to the light.
One of the foremost objections of the Muslim is that Christianity has not restrained those who profess it from injustice and ill-will. The expression that "the only good Moro is a dead one," or "the Moros are a menace to society" are not unknown to our Muslim neighbors. They resent their being called by he name "Moro". The name Moro" has the connotation of meaning thief, robber, bandit, undesirable, unwanted, a social reprobate. Even though the terms Muhammedanism and Muhammedans are widely used, we ore correctly refer to the religion founded by the renowed Arabian prophet as Islam, not as Muhammedanism; and to the followers of this religion as Muslims, not as Muhammedans; Islam is an Arabic word which means to submit to the will of God. A Muslim is one who follows the faith of Islam.
No Muslim needs to be saved from Islam; he needs to be saved from his sins. He is not dead in his trespasses and Islam; He is dead in his trespasses and sins! See him not as a Muslim or a "Moro" with all that these words have come to mean, but see him as a sinner lost in his sins; without God and without hope in the world.
The Muslims looks back over the many years of suffering and charges to the "Christians" all the wrongs his people have endured. He reasons that a religion which expresses itself in prejudice and oppression must be wrong. We may answer that Christianity cannot fairly be charged with the failure of those who refuse to practice its precepts. The only effective answer, however, is not argument but the continuous expression of sympathy and kindness, opposition to racial prejudice of the Muslim people.
Muslim scholars teach that the Gospels were the third of the only four surviving books of the 104 revelations that God has given to mankind. These four remaining books are: the TORAT of Moses (Pentateuch); the ZABOR of David (Psalms); and the QURAN of Muhammed. They hold that the miraculous elements in Christ's life were possible only by the will of God. They will charge that many of the incidents were actually invented by Christian scholars in order that there might be fulfilled in Hm prophecies supposed to refer to the Messiah. We must be patient in meeting these objections. We must show that the best scholarship of our time has pronounced in favor of an early date for the Gospel records; But it is best to get the Muslims to read the Gospels for themselves and form their own judgement of the reality of the events which they describe.

To the Muslims Jesus was only a prophet, an earthly man of the Jewish race, and in no way divine. He was a true prophet of God, and this accounts for His being attested unto in the QURAN. He did not suffer death into heaven. He never claimed to be divine, and had no intention of promulgating a new religion. There was nothing unique in His teachings, as He simply repeated the message of God as it was given Him. Jesus was a Muslim and He taught the faith of Islam. He is to return t the earth one day, and when He comes, He will once again teach the faith of Islam. Islam also denies the divine nature of Jesus Christ on the ground that it contradicts the Bible teaching concerning the unity of God. An answer should be at hand for all of these claims. But no arguments about Christ can compare in value with going directly to the Word.
Doubts as to the person of Christ can best be met by an examinations and careful study of the Gospels.
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The late Ptr. and Mrs. Anthony Victory T. Brillantes in Jolo, Sulu, my birthplace as Missionary in a Muslim dominated place. |
Islam rejects the Christian idea of the Atonement. It claims that an atonement is unnecessary. Man, as he lives his life in submission to the will of God is sufficient unto himself in meeting his spiritual needs. By repentance and meritorious deeds man can claim pardon from God and entrance to everlasting life. They minimize the idea of sin. Their conception of Adam's original sin is that Adam fell through human weakness and not through a direct disobedience to the command of God. He did not want to fall into the transgression, he just could not help himself. God, therefore, looked upon the sin in fatherly understanding and not in judicial wrath. As God looked upon the original sin, so today He looks upon all men who sin "after the similitude of Adam". The Muslim needs to be aroused to a recognition of the real nature of sin, not as a breach of ritual requirements but as moral perversity.
Islam is without an experience of spiritual peace and satisfaction. It has no assurance of forgiveness of sins. To the Muslims, if all is well, they feel that they are pleasing to God. If all is not well they are sure that they have grieved God and that their misfortune has come upon them in direct punishment from an angry God. It is the Christians' joy and privilege to share with them the experience and hopes which we have in Christianity, and to tell them of the One in whom we have believed and of that which we are persuaded.

It is often charged by the Muslims that Christianity has been a failure. They point to the social wrongs of our times, to racial feuds, and to the prevalence of war as positive proofs that Christianity has failed to purge the world from these age-long ills. Christianity must submit to the test. But we must distinguish between defects in a religion itself and the defects in its adherents who fail to apply its teachings. If we are to have a better world we must have a better people. On both counts Christianity will be vindicated. Its ideals for the race are the most exalted that have ever been unfolded, and its power to send its followers out to the ends of the earth to achieve them has made it the faith supreme. No other religion can point to such spiritual triumphs and transformations in the lives of regenerated men as can Christianity. Christ is still the answer to the problems of men and of the nations. However, Christianity may have failed, He has not failed.

The Muslims claim that the true religion of God is the religion of Islam. It is through them that the true religion of God is to be preserved through the ages. An acceptance of Christianity would frustrate this divine purpose. When we ask them what exactly is the Muslim mission they will tell us, "To witness to the truth of the Unity of God." Their creed is: "Their is no God but God, and Muhammed is the prophet of God."
Here we must show the Muslims that to do the will of God they must believe on Him whom the Father hath sent; and he who hath not the Son hath not the Father.
II. Practical Points To Ponder
If we are to be successful in reaching the Muslims with the message that "The Gospels of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto Salvation," there are several practical principles of procedure t which we must give careful attention.
This is emphasized in business, politics, and every other sphere. It is even more important in Christian service. There re many types of Muslims whom the Christian will meet. There will be those who are educated and very religious. There will be those who are educated and not very religious. There will be those who are uneducated but are very religious. There will be the religious bigot. There will be those who are very broad minded. There will be those who profess to be very religious but who in reality are not. There may also be many Muslim who will be a combination of any of these mentioned. At any rate, it is well to study the personal characteristics of the individual.
There are many points upon which Christians and Muslims think alike. By asking the Muslim about his religion, his views on Islam and other things, you can discover those points upon which you agree. From here it will be easier to lead to other matters about which you will most assuredly differ.

Attacks on Islam will only stir up resentment. Seek rather to present the Gospel in a loving spirit. Your approach is as a loving friend, not as a foe. It is not the destruction of his faith that you seek but his acceptance of those things in our faith which will lead him to accept Christ as his own personal Saviour. It is advisable at first to avoid the discussion of doctrines that arouse opposition but to open the way gradually for a discussion of a new truth. The Muslim mind must be approached from a Muslim point of view, recognizing his prejudices and antipathies, leading him step by step in paths he is willing to take, until he is able to consider quietly the full implication of the Gospel.
The sailor makes use of contrary winds to lead him nearer to his goal. He tacts. So must the Christian. The door of many a Muslim heart has been closed tight through an inconsiderate remark which stirred up prejudice and antagonism. Never force your opinions on the Muslim. Let him ask you for them. Do not talk too much. Let him do the talking. Someone has said, "A real salesman is nine parts judgement and one part talk." Jesus answered Pilate very effectively by saying not a word. Should the Muslim ask you a question you cannot answer do not be afraid to say, "I do not know". He will respect you for it. Never attempt to "bluff" your way. It is the things that you do know that are the most important. Make your answers as brief as possible. The brief answer is by far the best answer.
Keep his confidence. When he opens is heart to you in confidence (and the Muslim will when he learns that you are his friend and that he can trust you), do not betray it to others. This confidence is for you alone.

To be an effective worker among the Islam the Christian must possess a thorough working knowledge of the Bible. Without it, he can have no effectual witness.God has anticipated before had and given an answer in the Bible to practically all of Islam's difficulties, objections, and doubts.
Though in all probability the Muslim will not be aware of it, Jesus is the answer to the yearnings and the hopes of his heart. We should use our Bible on every occasion to show how fully Christ is "the way, the truth, and the life." Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the WORD OF GOD! Have at your finger tips several salvation verses, and then read them when you have turned to the proper place. Reading the Bible is always more effective than quoting it. Simply quoting verses will sometimes give the impression that the words you are speaking are your own. Reading forbids such conclusion. Study the Scriptures for your self from this point of view, so that you can use them effectively.
Christ does for the Christian many things of which the Muslim knows nothing, Tell him what Christ means to you personally and what He has done for you since you have received Him as your own personal Saviour. God's love and care, His pardoning Grace and comforting presence, His peace, His keeping, saving and satisfying power - these are the things the Muslim needs but does not possess. Christ was never too busy to tell others about the Father's goodness and compassion, but it was upon the testimony of His followers that He depended for the spread of His Gospel. This means that our own sense of reality of Christ must kept fresh and vital. It is this that gives power to our words. There is an intensity in the soul and a persuasiveness in the voice that carries conviction to the heart. Cultivate the prayer life for power, both with God and men; Prayer is the key to unlock the door of Islam's darkened heart. Without a vital prayer life, missions to the Muslim will be in vain.
This is a vital winning factor in reaching the Muslims with the Gospel. Without this "Friendship Evangelism" little else that you do will count. Do not be afraid of the Muslim. Friendship overcomes all barriers. The Muslims are a warm hearted, friendly people, who appreciate the sincere friendship of Christian neighbors they can respect and take to their hearts.
SMILE! Nothing will dispel the misgivings of the Muslim's heart so quickly as will a God honoring smiling face, motivated by a heart filled with the joys of the Holy Ghost. The "international passport" is a captivating smile and a friendly handshake. Remember, "The only way to make a friend is to be a friend yourself."

The task of introducing the Muslim to Jesus Christ is without question a most difficult one. BUT IT IS NOT AN IMPOSSIBILITY! The Muslims do not truly know who Jesus Christ is. They know about Him; they know Him only as a prophet. False conception and ill-will have veiled His face. All sorts of false stories and beliefs prevail concerning Him. It is the Christian worker's privilege to help the Muslim to see Jesus as He really is.
Your God-honoring life giving credence to your personal testimony, will cause the Muslim to ask, "How can these things be?' The Muslim will only know of Jesus by the way in which you portray Him in your personal life. Pray for the salvation of Islam and believe that the Holy Spirit of God will open the eyes, quicken the heart, and subdue the will of this people.
The Muslims at our very doors here in the Philippines are daily reading our lives. Let us never forget this. A Muslim will never be won to the Lord by one's words of witness alone. It is only when he sees that the witness of the life and the words of the lips are one, will he begin to believe that Jesus Christ is real. If Christ is not real to the believer, He will never become real to the Muslims to whom the witness is being given. Against a transformed life there can be o gainsaying.
The attitude of the ambassador toward the Muslim must be the same as that of our Lord; namely compassion out of a heart of love. God "so loved the world;" we must "so"love the soul of the Muslim for whom Christ died. As born again believers, in a loving and friendly spirit we must introduce our Muslim friends to Jesus as we know Him. The best way in which to do this is to read the New Testament with them, beginning with the Gospels, then the Acts, and then the Epistles. Show them of the love and purity of he life of Christ while he was here on earth, the moral grandeur of His teachings, the divine character of His claims, the wonders of His death and resurrection, and how He is able and ready to help us today.

Opportunities are constantly arising which may be utilized to tell the Muslim about Christ. Many such opportunities will be found in your daily contacts with this people. Happenings in the Muslim homes afford an excellent opportunity for showing friendly help and interest. This is especially true in the time of sickness or in poverty. Such opportunities must be used naturally and wisely. It is always easy to arouse suspicion and to irritate. Put your self in the place of your Muslim friend, and let respect and sympathy guide you in your approach.
They should then be shown the life of Christ as it is lived in homes where He truly is "the Head, the Unseen Host at every meal, and the silent Listener to every conversation."Should you ever partake of a meal with a Muslim friend, do not neglect to say Grace.
Muslim should be brought into the fellowship of Christians who will live and pray for them. Extreme care should be exercised so as not to put undue pressure upon them to become converts. To many this may mean that they will be cast off by their families, deprived of financial help, or even be threatened with death. It is for these reasons that in the case of a new convert, it is not wise to approach him with the thought of his being baptized. When God's Spirit gives them the new birth and moves warmly upon their hearts, they, themselves will ask for baptism, whatever the cost may be. Great patience, faith and humility are needed in the effort to lead Muslims to Christ. Holiness of life is more important than great learning and intellectual skill.

Pagans and people with a "Christian" background, who are unevangelized may be approached directly. Their own backgrounds or traditions behind them will give support to the appeal of the Gospel. Not so with the Muslim. Their thirteen centuries of traditions are in direct opposition to the Gospel message. They are dire need of this glorious message, but they do not want it. It takes time to win their confidence, to overcome their opposition and open a way for the "Good News". It is not easy for one who has been bound be age-long traditions and deep seated prejudices to become open-minded.Our danger is that we may become impatient, discouraged, and grow weary in well doing. Just remember God has promised that so long as time shall last, there shall be a time to plant, a time to wait, and a time to harvest. We must remember that the pathway to Christ for the Muslim is strewn with many obstacles which must be overcome one by one. Therefore be patient. You are a fellow worker with God, and He prepares the way. You with tears must sow the seed. He shall give the increase, and you shall one day rejoice bringing many precious sheaves with you.
III. A Final Word
The way to learn to win the Muslim is to undertake the task of doing it. Skill comes with practice. The important thing is to begin. Because of the rigid strictness of Muslim moral law, men must always deal with men. It is of an inevitable importance that this moral law be observed.
The Master calls: "Go work today in my vineyard." The field is white, the encouragements are many, the reward is great. A rich reward awaits those who heed the call.
It was reported to have said, "Any missionary who wins one adult Muslim to the Lord Jesus Christ may consider His life's ministry to have been a complete success."
A Missionary has this to say, "No Christian work can be declared a success or failure by its numbers of converts. Christian missions is not a calculus of success, but an obligation of love."
Islam is not saved for three reasons:
1. Their fanaticism for their religion.
2.Their wrong conception of Jesus Christ.
3. The Christians and Churches in general has failed to believe that Islam can be saved.
The battle is arrayed against us, but the victory is the Lord's. Who will heed the call, the cry for reinforcements to help us do His work?
If we will, as unto the Lord, do those things, the day of harvest will surely come. God's appointed time for the gathering of the Muslims in the Philippines is assuredly drawing near. Then a great number of those who now pray toward Mecca will bow the knee before Jesus Christ, and those who now in deep reverence recite the creed, "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah," will, with joy unspeakable and full of wondrous, majestic glory, confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father!!!
The Philippine Muslim communities have a distinct religion and secular practice, culture and tradition.
A rough
estimate of the Filipino Muslim community by the Office on Muslim
Affairs (OMA) states that the Muslim population consists five percent
(5%) of the total Philippine population. Concentration of Muslim
population is apparent in the ARMM, Region 9, 11 and 12. Their
population in each region is illustrated in the table below.
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Historically Muslim Filipinos are not integrated as one definable and united society. There are several endemic characteristics in their separate identities: (1) language, (2) political structure, and (3) history and degree of Islamic integration with cultural traditions and customs already existent. Each of the subgroups has been proud of its separate identity and conflict between communities has been endemic throughout Philippine Muslim history. However, their common experiences, especially in their relations with non-Muslim Filipinos, have somehow brought them together time and again. Philippine Muslims consist of the following subgroups defined on the basis of language: 1. Maguindanao
Maguindanao refers to the people living in the Pulangi area, located in
what are now North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat and Maguindanao Provinces.
Cultural communities within this region also include the Tituray,
T'boli and the Manobos.
originally means "people of flooded plain." The name Maguindanao was
also named after the Sultanate or dynasty that ruled the area for
several years.
2. Maranao
means "people of the lake." Their homeland is called Lanao or "lake."
Their oldest settlement started around here, and up to this day, highly
populated communities still dot the lake. Their language is similar to
Maguindanaon and Iranun.
Maranao form the largest Muslim community and cultural minority in the
Philippines. Their families are traditionally large and close-knit.
Feudal standing is in some parts still visible. The position, wealth
and land ownership of many of those considered from an ancestry of
"royalty" still maintain some political position or prominence in their
Maranao are considered the most devout and most traditional of the
Muslim communities. They have braved much of the attempts to conquer
and subdue them. They are also known for their artistry in carving,
boat making and creation of malongs.
3. Tausug
derives from tau meaning "man" and sug meaning "current" and
translates into "people of the current." Another argument made on the
meaning of the name states that the name in fact translates to "brave
Tausug even before the arrival of Islam or Christianity and the people
who promulgated their system of government, the Sulu Islands, where
the Tausugs are found, had their own system of government. The Tausugs
openly welcomed Islam and the system of government that came with it.
This has bred to the establishment of the Sulu sultanate. Leaders from
this region moved to other places in the country, spreading Islam and
its system of government in Tawi-Tawi, Palawan, Basilan, Zamboanga, and
Tausug, numbering around 502,918 (NCCP--PACT) in 1988 are predominant
in the northern part of Sulu province, ie., Jolo Island and the
neighboring islands of Pata, Marunggas, Tapul, and Lugus, and to a
lesser extent in Siasi and Pangutaran.
4. Sama
Also in
the Sulu Archipelago are the Sama consisting of five sub-groups
including the Sama! and the Badjao. These people are highly dispersed
in the Sulu Archipelago. They are considered boat-people, spending most
of their time in constant movement throughout the islands in the area
or living on the water. The Sama are also considered the sea-gypsies of
the Philippines.
5. Yakan
Yakan is
the majority Muslim group in Basilan. There is a registered 196,000
population of Yakans in the area of Zamboanga (NCCP-PACT, 1988).
The Yakan
have generally two spheres of belief integrating Islamic principles
and traditional beliefs into what is referred to as "folk Islam".
There is
little known about this people. One of the highlights of their history
is the arrival of Pedro Cuevas or Datu Kalun, an outsider who killed
the datu of the Yakan and then was accepted as their Datu in the early
1800. The Yakans were primarily under the Sulu Sultanate, but proving
to be deliberately their own through the leadership of Datu Kalun, the
Basilan Yakan had given the Spanish and Americans. However, the Yakan
have remained in many instances separate from any rule, other than that
of Sultanates their Datu follows. Due to much political conflict in
the area of Basilan, many of the Yakans have settled in the region of
Zamboanga City.
6. IIanon or Iranun
lranun are said by many to have been the origin of the ethnic groups
within the Lanao del Sur to the Maguindanao areas. The Iranun language
is in fact seen in the Maranao and Maguindanao languages. The Iranun
were said to have fought under the Maguindanao sultanate. Many sultans
of Maguindanao were said to have been from the lranuns.
7. Molebugan or Molbog
Molbog mostly live in Bafabak, Palawan. The word molbog originated
from the word "malubog" which means "murky or turbid water". Their
language and practices share close affinity to the Orang Tidung
(Sabah), Sama and the Tausugs. These people and other Muslim
communities in Palawan were ruled by Sulu datus under the Sulu
8. Kolibugan
means "half-breeds." Originally from the Subanon tribes, these people
are called such because their culture has been said to be half breed,
having come into Islam through intermarriage with Muslim communities.
These people live the Subanun organization and language.
The term kolibugan is as well used to refer to all peoples who have accepted Islam through intermarriage.
9. Sangil
Sangil are found in the Balut Sarangani, parts of South Cotabato and
Davao Del Sur provinces. They are said to have come from Sanghe (islands
in Indonesia between the Celebes), the origin of the name Sangil. They
are people who were already Muslims before they came to Philippine
Sangil are also known for their boat making. They have also been said
to be the buccaneers who attacked Spanish territories in other parts of
the Philippines.
10. Kalagan
The Kaagan are mostly found in the Davao provinces.
Their islamization was achieved through the arrival of the Maguindaon
and the Tausug. However, when the Maguindanao sultanate and Tausug
left, the Kaagan became marginalized and with less improvement in their
social organization.
11. Muslim Inhabitants of Palawan
inhabitants (Panimusan) were islamized through the Sulu sultanate,
through the Tausug who went there to introduce to Islam to the local
people. Now, the Muslim populations in the area are found in Batarasa,
Quezon, Brooke's Point, Espanola, Narra, Roxas, Taytay and Aborlan.
Muhammad (A.D. 570–632)
A.D. 622
Worldwide: Estimated 800 million to 1 billion; 58 percent live in South and Southeast Asia; 28 percent in Africa; 9 percent in Near and Middle East; 5 percent other. U.S.: Estimated 6.5 to 8 million.
Islam is the world’s youngest major world religion. It claims to be the restoration of original monotheism and truth and thus supersedes both Judaism and Christianity. It stresses submission to Allah, the Arabic name for God, and conformity to the "five pillars" or disciplines of that religion as essential for salvation. From its inception, Islam was an aggressively missionary-oriented religion. Within one century of its formation, and often using military force, Islam had spread across the Middle East, most of North Africa, and as far east as India. While God is, in the understanding of most Muslims, unknowable personally, His will is believed to be perfectly revealed in the holy book, the Qur’an. The Qur’an is to be followed completely and its teaching forms a complete guide for life and society.
Muhammad is believed by Muslims to be the last and greatest prophet of God—"the seal of the prophets." It was through him that the Qur’an was dictated, thus according him the supreme place among the seers of God. A native of Mecca, Muhammad was forced to flee that city in A.D. 622 after preaching vigorously against the paganism of the city. Having secured his leadership in Medina, and with several military victories to his credit, Muhammad returned in triumph to Mecca in A.D. 630. There, he established Islam as the religion of all Arabia.
The Qur’an is the sacred book of Islam and the perfect word of God for the Muslim. It is claimed that the Qur’an was dictated in Arabic by the angel Gabriel to Muhammad and were God’s precise words. As such, it had preexisted from eternity in heaven with God as the "Mother of the Book" and was in that form uncreated and co-eternal with God. Islam teaches that it contains the total and perfect revelation and will of God. The Qur’an is about four-fifths the length of the New Testament and is divided into 114 surahs or chapters. While Islam respects the Torah, the psalms of David, and the four Gospels, the Qur’an stands alone in its authority and absoluteness. It is believed to be most perfectly understood in Arabic and it is a religious obligation to seek to read and quote it in the original language.
They are the framework for the Muslims’ life and discipline. Successful and satisfactory adherence to the pillars satisfies the will of Allah. They form the basis for the Muslim’s hope for salvation along with faith and belief in Allah’s existence, the authority of Muhammad as a prophet, and the finality and perfection of the Qur’an. The five pillars are:
The confession of Faith or Shahada: It is the declaration that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. Sincerity in the voicing of the confession is necessary for it to be valid. It must be held until death, and repudiation of the Shahada nullifies hope for salvation.
Prayer of Salat: Five times a day, preceded by ceremonial washing, the Muslim is required to pray facing Mecca. Specific formulas recited from the Qur’an (in Arabic), along with prostrations, are included. Prayer is, in this sense, an expression of submission to the will of Allah. While most of Islam has no hierarchical priesthood, prayers are led in mosques by respected lay leaders. The five times of prayer are before sunrise, noon, midafternoon, sunset, and prior to sleep.
Almsgiving or Zakat: The Qur’an teaches the giving of two-and-a-half percent of one’s capital wealth to the poor and/or for the propagation of Islam. By doing so, the Muslim’s remaining wealth is purified.
The Fast or Sawm: during the course of the lunar month of Ramadan, a fast is to be ob- served by every Muslim from sunrise to sunset. Nothing is to pass over the lips during this time, and they should refrain from sexual relations. After sunset, feasting and other celebrations often occur. The daylight hours are set aside for self-purification. The month is used to remember the giving of the Qur’an to Muhammad.
Pilgrimage or Hajj: All Muslims who are economically and physically able are required to journey to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. The required simple pilgrim’s dress stresses the notion of equality before God. Another element of the Hajj is the mandatory walk of each pilgrim seven times around the Kaabah—the shrine of the black rock, the holiest site of Islam. Muhammad taught that the Kaabah was the original place of worship for Adam and later for Abraham. The Kaabah is thus venerated as the site of true religion, the absolute monotheism of Islam.
God: He is numerically and absolutely one. Allah is beyond the understanding of man so that only his will may be revealed and known. He is confessed as the "merciful and compassionate one."
Sin: The most serious sin that can be ascribed to people is that of shirk or considering god as more than one. Original sin is viewed as a "lapse" by Adam. Humankind is considered weak and forgetful but not as fallen.
Angels: Islam affirms the reality of angels as messengers and agents of god. Evil spirits or Jinn also exist. Satan is a fallen angel. Angels perform important functions for Allah both now and at the end of time.
Final Judgment: The world will be judged at the end of time by Allah. The good deeds and obedience of all people to the five pillars and the Qur’an will serve as the basis of judgment.
Salvation: It is determined by faith, as defined by Islam, as well as by compiling good deeds primarily in conformity to the five pillars. Marriage: Muslims uphold marriage as honorable and condemn adultery. While many Muslim marriages are monogamous, Islamic states allow as many as four wives. Men consider a woman as less than an equal, and while a man has the right to divorce his wife, the wife has no similar power (see Surah 2:228, 4:34). Nonetheless, the female has a right to own and dispose of property. Modesty in dress is encouraged for both men and women.
War: The term jihad or "struggle" is often considered as both external and internal, both a physical and spiritual struggle. The enemies of Islam or "idolaters," states the Qur’an, may be slain "wherever you find them" (Surah:5). (See Surah 47:4). Paradise is promised for those who die fighting in the cause of Islam (see Surah 3:195, 2:224). Moderate Muslims emphasize the spiritual dimension of Jihad and not its political element.
Christians and Jews are acknowledged as "people of the book," although their failure to conform to the confession of Islam labels them as unbelievers. Following are several questions that Muslims have about Christianity.
Is the Trinity a belief in three gods? Christians are monotheistic and believe that God is one. But both in His work in accomplishing salvation through the person of Jesus Christ and through biblical study it has become clear that His oneness in fact comprises three persons —Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. Mary is not part of the Godhead. The notion of God, who is three-in-one, is part of both the mystery and greatness of God. God is in essence one while in persons three. This truth helps us understand God as truly personal and having the capacity to relate to other persons. As well, Christians confirm the holiness, sovereignty, and greatness of God. How can Jesus be the Son of God? Scripture affirms that Jesus was conceived supernaturally by the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary. It does not in any way claim that Jesus was directly God the Father’s biological and physical son. It rejects the notion of the Arabic word for son, walad, meaning physical son, for the word ibin, which is the title of relationship. Jesus is the Son in a symbolic manner designating that He was God the Word who became man in order to save humankind from its sin. The virgin birth was supernatural as God the Holy Spirit conceived in Mary, without physical relations, Jesus the Messiah. In this manner even the Qur’an affirms the miraculous birth of Christ (see Surah 19:16–21). Jesus was in this sense "God’s unique Son." During His earthly ministry He carried out the will of the Father. Notably the Qur’an affirms Jesus’ supernatural birth, life of miracles, His compassion, and ascension to heaven (see Surah 19:16–21,29–31, 3:37–47, 5:110).
How could Jesus have died on the cross especially if He’s God’s son? The testimony of history and the Injil, or the four Gospels, is that Jesus died on the cross. If it is understood that God is love, and that humankind is lost in sin, then is it not likely that God would have provided a sacrifice for sin? Jesus is God’s sacrifice for all the sins of the world and is a bridge from a holy God to fallen and sinful humans. This truth is revealed in the Injil, John 3:16. Even the Qur’an states in Surah 3:55 that "Allah said: O Isa [Jesus], I am going to terminate [to put to death] the period of your stay (on earth) and cause you to ascend unto Me." What other way could this concept have any meaning apart from Jesus’ death for sin and His subsequent resurrection? Muslims believe that God took Jesus from the cross and substituted Judas in His place, or at least someone who looked like Jesus. He was then taken to heaven where He is alive and from where one day He will return.
What do you think about the prophet Muhammad? Muhammad was apparently a well-meaning man who sought to oppose paganism and evil in his day. While he succeeded in uniting the Arabian Peninsula and upheld several important virtues, we do not believe he received a fresh revelation from God. Jesus Christ fulfilled not only the final prophetic role from God, but He is the Savior or the world and God the Son. While Islam believes that some Bible passages refer to Muhammad (see Deut. 18:18–19; John 14:16; 15:26; 16:7), that is clearly not the meaning of the texts. Other passages may help in understanding and interpreting the previous texts (see Matthew 21:11; Luke 24:19; John 6;14; 7:40; Acts 1:8–16; 7:37).
What is your opinion of the Qur’an? It is a greatly valued book for the Muslim. It is not received or believed to be a divine book by the Christian. The statements of the Qur’an are accepted only where they agree with the Bible.
What is your opinion about the five pillars? Salvation is from God and comes only through the saving work of Jesus Christ. When we put our faith in Him, we may be saved (see John 3:16–21,31–36).
Be courteous and loving.
Reflect interest in their beliefs. Allow them time to articulate their views.
Be acquainted with their basic beliefs.
Be willing to examine passages of the Qur’an concerning their beliefs.
Stick to the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith but also take time to respond to all sincere questions.
Point out the centrality of the person and work of Jesus Christ for salvation.
Stress that because of Jesus, His cross, and resurrection, one may have the full assurance of salvation, both now and for eternity (see 1 John 5:13).
Share the plan of salvation with the Muslim. Point out that salvation is a gift and not to be earned.
Pray for th fullness of the Holy Spirit. Trust Him to provide wisdom and grace.
Be willing to become a friend and a personal evangelist to Muslims.
Phil Roberts, Director of Interfaith Evangelism.
How to Witness to Muslims
In Acts 17:22–31 the apostle Paul built on areas of "common ground" as he prepared his listeners for the good news of the gospel. Even though he was addressing Gentiles whose beliefs were erroneous, he didn’t rebuke them for having a doctrine of devils— "The things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God" (1 Corinthians 10:20). Neither did he present the great truth that Jesus of Nazareth was Almighty God manifest in human form. This may have initially offended his hearers and closed the door to the particular knowledge he wanted to convey. Instead, he built on what they already knew. He first established that there is a Creator who made all things. He then exposed their sin of transgression of the First and Second of the Ten Commandments. Then he preached future punishment for sin.
There are three main areas of common ground upon which Christians may stand with Muslims. First, that there is one God—the Creator of all things. The second area is the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was a prophet of God. The Bible makes this clear: "And He shall send Jesus Christ,…For Moses truly said to the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up to you of your brethren, like to me; him shall you hear in all things whatsoever he shall say to you" (Acts 3:20–22). The Qur’an (Koran) says: "Behold! The angel said ‘O Mary! Allah giveth you Glad Tidings of a word from Him. His name will be (Christ Jesus) the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah’" (Surah 3:45). In Surah 19:19, the angel said to Mary, "I am only a messenger of thy Lord to announce to you a gift of a holy son." Surah 3:55 says, "Allah said: ‘O Jesus! I will take you and raise you to Myself." It is because of these and other references to Jesus in the Qur’an that a Muslim will not object when you establish that Jesus was a prophet from God.
This brings us to the third area of common ground. Muslims also respect Moses as a prophet of God. Therefore, there should be little contention when Christians speak of God (as Creator), Jesus the prophet, and the Law of the prophet Moses. Most Muslims do have some knowledge of their sinfulness, but few see sin in its true light. It is therefore essential to take them through the spiritual nature of the Ten Commandments. While it is true that the Law of Moses begins with, "I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before Me," it may be unwise to tell a Muslim, at that point, that Allah is a false god. Such talk may close the door before you are able to speak to his conscience. It is wise rather to present the Law in a similar order in which Jesus gave it in Luke 18:20. He addressed the man’s sins of the flesh. He spoke directly to sins that have to do with his fellow man.
Therefore, ask your hearer if he has ever told a lie. When (if) he admits that he has, ask him what that makes him. Don’t call him a liar. Instead, gently press him to tell you what someone is called who has lied. Try to get him to say that he is a "liar." Then ask him if he has ever stolen something, even if it’s small. If he has, ask what that makes him (a thief). Then quote from the Prophet Jesus: "Whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart" (Matthew 5:27). Ask if he has ever looked at a woman with lust. If he is reasonable, he will admit that he has sinned in that area. Then gently tell him that, by his own admission, he is a "lying, thieving adulterer-at-heart." Say, "If God judges you by the Law of Moses on Judgment Day, will you be innocent or guilty?"
At this point, he will more than likely say that he will be innocent, because he confesses his sins to God. However, the Qur’an says: "Every soul that has sinned, if it possessed all that is on earth, would fain give it in ransom" (Surah 10:54). In other words, if he possessed the whole world and offered it to God as a sacrifice for his sins, it wouldn’t be enough to provide atonement for his sins. Imagine that a criminal is facing a 50,000 fine. He is penniless, so he sincerely tells the judge that he is sorry for a crime and vows never to do it again. The judge won’t let him go on the basis of his sorrow, or his vow never to commit the crime again. Of course, he should be sorry for what he has done, and of course, he shouldn’t break the law again. The judge will, however, let him go if someone else pays the fine for him.
Now tell him that Moses gave instructions to Israel to shed the blood of a spotless lamb to provide a temporary atonement for their sin; and that Jesus was the Lamb that God provided to make atonement for the sins of the world. Through faith in Jesus, he can have atonement with God. All his sin can be washed away—once and for all. God can grant him the gift of everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ on the basis of His death and resurrection.
The uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth was that He claimed He had power on earth to forgive sins (Matthew 9:2–6). No other prophet of any of the great religions made this claim. Only Jesus can provide peace with God. This is why He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).
God commands sinners to repent and trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior, or they will perish. To try to justify himself, your listener may say something like, "The Bible has changed. It has been altered. There are many different versions, but the Koran has never changed." Explain to him that there are Bibles printed in different languages to help people understand the Bible, but the content of the Scriptures remains the same. The Dead Sea Scrolls prove that God has preserved the Scriptures.
Tell him that the 100% accurate prophecies of Matthew 24, Luke 21, and 2 Timothy 3 prove that this is the Book of the Creator. Your task is to present the truth of the gospel. It is God who makes it come alive (1 Corinthians 3:6,7). It is God who brings conviction of sin (John 16:7,8). It is God who reveals who Jesus is (Matthew 16:16,17). All God requires is your faithful presentation of the truth (Matthew 25:21).