Saturday, February 13, 2016

Charismatic Movement Errors Examined

Introduction: Some practices of the Charismatic Movement are not according to Scripture.

These are:
1. Speaking in Tongues
2. New Revelations
3. Ecumenical Movement towards Rome
4. Slaying in the Spirit
5. Healing

Question: Why do people become interested in the Charismatic movement or
Answer: Because of worldliness, lack of vital, inspired ministry and spiritual deadness.
Don't become backslidden, cold or lazy for God, but be on-fire for God, souls and the Bible.
The main Charismatic/Pentecostal doctrine is that: "speaking in tongues is the initial
evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit." They claim that one who has not spoken in tongues does not have the same power for service as one who has.
If we show that tongues are not for today, we have disproved the Charismatic Movement.

A fundamental law of life is that the Word of God must always govern our experiences.
Tongues has divided the Christian world this century. The question is not "are tongues
genuine?", but it is "are tongues Biblical?" When experience contradicts the Bible, then the Bible always takes precedence. Why? Because we can misinterpret our experience or have false experiences.

Let us examine tongues as follows:
1. Reasons why Biblical tongues are real languages and not Charismatic gibberish.
a) Tongues could be interpreted, gibberish cannot.
b) The Greek word "glossa" in the New Testament used for tongues means real
c) In Acts 2:6,8 those Jews at Pentecost heard God's message spoken in their own
language or dialect. “Every man heard them speak in his own language.” v.6,8,11.
d) The same word "glossa" is used for tongues in Acts as in I Corinthians 12-14.
e) "Glossa" is plural meaning many languages. Gibberish is singular as it is non￾classifiable into more than one type of gibberish.
f) 1 Cor.14:21 states that tongues were a foreign language given as a sign to
unbelieving Israel.
2. Reasons for spiritual gifts.

Why are spiritual gifts given?
a) To glorify Christ, not to glorify the Holy Spirit. "He shall glorify me." John 16:14.
b) To edify others, not to edify self. "Seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the
church." 1Cor.14:12. Paul rebukes them for their wrong use of tongues in 1
Corinthians 14:4 "He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself."
c) To equip the church (Ephesians 4:12) for the work of the ministry.

Tongues were given to:
 a) Warn unbelieving Jews. (I Corinthians 14:21).
 b) Confirm the word with signs. Mark 16:17-20.
 c) Confirm the Apostles as God's true messengers.